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3 Ways To Catch A Cheater


3 Ways To Catch A Cheater

by Reconsider.Us

Do you suspect your mate of cheating?  Think you are the only one with a cheating spouse or a cheating partner? You are not alone! Thousands of men & Women a year suspect their mates of cheating on them with another man or woman.  Are these questions on your mind:

Need help finding out whether your mate is cheating? There are ways to catch a cheating spouse!  Here are three methods of finding your mate if they are cheating or engaged in infidelity.  While no method is absolutely effective, using these sites might increase your likelihood of catching a cheating significant other and/or finding that cheating wife, cheating husband, cheating boyfriend, cheating girlfriend or cheating booty call!  Do these things and CATCH A CHEATER IN THE ACT!


Find Canoodle at http://www.canoodle.com

Don’t know how to Canoodle?  Most People don’t!  That is why cheaters get to be online.  However, if you can GOOGLE, then you can Canoodle!

Canoodle is a search engine for dating profiles!  It is like Google but for dating site profiles.  Canoodle boasts that it has the LARGEST database of dating site profiles!  So if you want to catch someone cheating on an online dating site, Canoodle.com is without a doubt the FIRST place that you should check!  According to Canoodle, they have indexed over twenty million dating profiles.  That is a lot of people and without a doubt, someone there is cheating!


Never let a cheater know that you may be on to him or her.  Suspicion that is relayed through communication or action will serve to help the Cheater, not you.  How?  Simple.  If someone knows that you may be on to him or her, he or she will change up their behaviors or just work harder to evade capture.  Your biggest advantage is having the cheater think that everything is ok. No one is going to admit to cheating before they are caught cheating.  Ok, people do sometimes admit to cheating before they are caught cheating, but don’t assume that will happen.

If you start changing your patterns or behavior, the cheater will take notice.  If you start to confront the person, you put the cheater on notice that you believe something is happening.  If this is done prematurely, you can possibly destroy any chance that you may have of catching the cheater in the act!


The truth is always in the details.  If you suspect someone is cheating on you, remember, the details will often lead you to the truth.  If someone is usually not well kept and is going out of his or her way to look nice, something is up!  If he or she has a seventies bush in the lower regions and all of a sudden it is trimmed and in the 21st Century, you may have cause for alarm…

Many people will say look for numbers and slips of paper.  However, it is the twenty first century.  People now get numbers in their phones, on email, etc.  But, it doesn’t hurt to look for numbers on slips of paper.  Remember, they may change the gender of the name to throw you off.  Another way to snoop is to backup the phone book electronically periodically and then load each backup into Microsoft Word and do a document compare, looking for new numbers.  Some people have hundreds of contacts, and this is the only way to find someone once they are in the phone.  More ways to find a cheater:

Do you suspect a MAN is cheating on you? Take notice of the following:

  • Are their hairs around that should not be there?  In his apartment? On his clothing? In the bathroom?  Women Shed and Hair is hard to get rid of.
  • Do you suspect someone is having sex in your bed? Change the sheets before you leave and invest in a small black light.  It will show what you need to see if it is there.
  • Is the phone being turned off randomly while he is out?  Is this new behavior?
  • Remember, he may not be cheating with a woman!  There are plenty of men who cheat with other men!

Do you suspect a WOMAN is cheating on you? Take notice of the following:

  • Is the toilet seat up?  This is often a very easy and commonsensical way to tell if a Man has been in the house.  Lets face it: Women don’t leave the toilet seat up!
  • Do you suspect someone is having sex in your bed? Change the sheets before you leave and invest in a small black light.  It will show what you need to see if it is there.
  • Is there a plutonic friend around? Maybe someone she has been talking about more than usual?  Are they hanging out?
  • Is she hanging out with friends more than usual? Remember, unlike men, who often turn the phone off, a woman will call you while with the person she is cheating with.  Often, he knows what is up, you don’t.
  • Remember, she may not be cheating with a man!  There are plenty of women who cheat with other women!

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